Access Cirrus

Information on how to get access to Cirrus. How you get access depends on if you are working in industry or academia and how much resource you require.

The EPSRC funding for the Cirrus service will end on 31st March 2025. EPCC plan on operating the Cirrus service until 30th June 2025 in an at-risk, unsupported mode. If there are any major system issues between 1st April and 30th June, we may need to end the service during this period.

Resource Units

Access to Cirrus is currently granted in units of:

Industry Access

Cirrus has been designed to support a wide range of industry applications and EPCC can provide both access to HPC resources and also consultancy to effectively exploit HPC resources.

For access to Cirrus and EPCC expertise please contact our Commercial Manager, Julien Sindt (, +44 (0) 131 651 3461).

Academic Access

Cirrus is one of the EPSRC Tier-2 National HPC facilities and so the access method for academic researchers is different depending on if your research falls within EPSRC remit or not.

Current Open Calls

Call (link) Closing Date TA Receipt Deadline Notes TA Form Link
Instant Access Always Open Always Open   Instant Access TA Form (Word)
Director Time Always Open Always Open University of Edinburgh researchers, Any Remit Director’s Time TA form
Scottish Academic Access Always Open Always Open Scottish Institution Only, Any Remit Scottish Academic Access TA Form (Word)
Grant Access Always Open Always Open   Grant Access TA Form (Word)
Access to HPC 23 April 2024 at 4:00pm UK time N/A Any UKRI research remit. National Tier-2 computing resource for a maximum duration of 9 months.
Call details
Cirrus Driving Test Always Open   Details  

EPSRC Access

If your research falls under the EPSRC remit then you can use a number of different access routes (please follow the links for further information):

In both cases, you should complete a Cirrus Technical Assessment form that includes a costing for the value of using the facility or resource, to include in your application. This short form allows our technical experts to ensure that your project will get the most out of access to Cirrus and will help us to make sure that Cirrus can support the research you wish to undertake.

UKRI Access

Access to HPC calls enable access to computational resource only for research from any UKRI remit.

Access for University of Edinburgh Reseachers

If you are a researcher at the University of Edinburgh you can get access to Cirrus for your research - either on a trial basis to test the service for your research or on a larger scale for the use of Cirrus in a research programme. There is no restriction on research area remit. For both trial and larger access, applicants should use the the Director Time assessment form. For more information see the Director Time page.

Access for academics at Scottish institutions

If you are working at a Scottish institution you can get access to Cirrus for your research - either on a trial basis to test the service for your research or on a larger scale for the use of Cirrus in a research programme. There is no restriction on research area remit for Scottish academic access. For both trial and larger access, applicants should use the the same Scottish technical assessment form. For more information see the Scottish Academic Access page.

Note: If you working at a Scottish institution and wish to include Cirrus access on a Grant proposal, you should use the Grant Access process rather than the Scottish Academic Access route.

Other grant awarding bodies and researchers outside the UK

Please contact the Cirrus Helpdesk in the first instance to discuss access to Cirrus.